5th Oct 2022
How do your beliefs make an impact

Belief is what makes your life a hell or a heaven.

Belief is what makes your life a hell or a heaven.

I also believe that in difficult situations, that belief helps you cope, whether it's in your personal or professional life. I believe that belief gets built into you during your childhood and everyone uses that during the rest of their life to grow in their personal and professional life by continuously upgrading it from the learnings.

However, few tend to ignore the beliefs and get stuck and remain at the crossroads. I believe that we procrastinate with the belief that over time the situation will get addressed or we believe that it is luck that will help in difficult situations by ignoring the whatever hard work and the efforts that are put into a difficult situation. I believe that all that you accomplish is the result of what you visualize.

All my achievements are invariably the result of all that I have visualized, including the finer details. When I joined a multinational in the 1980s after I graduated, I envisioned that this was not my future, so I resigned. I pursued all that I visualized. I joined Railways, a federal government job, but I quit after a few months because it didn't fit with my visualized* future.

I believe I changed industries and changed into multiple management, critical roles and continued until I became an entrepreneur, maybe what I visualized during the 1980s.The rest is history. I believe, no matter the circumstances, stand by the truth and you will win.* 1 month study of basketball free-throw% should help you understand the power of visualization.